There seems to be quite a bit of frustration among the zookeepers because people do not notify others once they have fed a posted baby.This is a pet peeve (pun intended) for quite a few people, I've seen many complaints about it on my Feed.
Once you see the notification on your Feed that one of your zoo friend's babies needs to be fed, if you decide to feed your friend's baby, there are a few different ways that you can go about it. In addition, when you see the notification on your Feed that your friend has just had a new baby to hatch, do not take this as an open invitation to start begging for the newly hatched animal.
Of course the traditional method for feeding the baby is to click on the picture, wording or the text at the bottom, which in this example is "Help Wendy"
OR You can RIGHT CLICK on your friend's name choose "Open link in new window" (CRTL + N) and go to their wall and feed the babies from their wall. This method is quite useful especially since many people have several babies hatch at the same time. Or you can just Left-click on your friend's name while holding down the CTRL key and their wall will open up on a new tab. Then just go to the newly opened tab and you can feed all their babies right from their wall.
This right-click trick works on any hyperlink (normally blue text/underlined) or hotspot (a spot on a page that you can click on to take you to another page). You can right-click and open the link on a new tab or on a new window.
OR You can just RIGHT CLICK on the hyperlink that says in our example "Help Wendy" choose, "Open link in new window" and the "Feed Baby" window will appear in a new browser window.
After you click "Feed Baby" you can then just close that window, and you have not lost your place on your Feed or on your friend's wall. You are still in the same place. At that point just add a small note indicating you have fed the baby or just click "Like", that way it lets everyone know that the baby has been fed. I see people are now leaving the comment "ABF" for "Already Been Fed". If a notification posted is for your baby, and you end up feeding your own baby; please go to your wall and "Remove" the post so it will not appear in your friend's Feed, and your friends will not continue to try to feed your baby.
I think what is happening, from what I have read, is that people are getting frustrated with trying to feed their friend's babies because in the past they've tried several times and the babies are always already fed. So everyone assumes someone else is feeding the babies, and possibly no one is feeding the babies at all. There are trophies that are awarded for feeding your friend's babies (Babysitter Trophy) and for allowing for friends to feed your babies (Hired Help Trophy).
Regardless of the method you decide to use to feed your friend's baby, please let others know that it has indeed been fed. Just as your friend deeply appreciates you feeding their baby, your fellow zookeepers will appreciate you notifying them that the baby has already been fed.
Happy Zooing Everyone!