1. add me isnt good enough lol you have to realize while we are workinn on creating a login through facebook its not there...we are an EXTERNAL site and there for when you say add me...they have nothing but ur id for this forums to go on.... so if a guy named bob says add me... how can they add him when facebooks got 1000000000 bobs lol you have to give a link to profile....friend id#...or first AND last name for them to find u
2. if your looking for friends and not zoomates/neighbors/etc then dont add fromthese lists these people need you to be active players and since some options in these games only work for your zoomates/neighbors/etc not just friends.
this is not a rule but it will gain you more adds and help keep the forums cleaner and easier to navigate
CREATE A NEW TOPIC FOR YOURSELF put ur id or name in the title if you like that too makes the adding easier...